Step 1
The Hectorville Covered Bridge in Vermont
Step 2
This is the on-location drawing I did in my travel sketchbook which I used for reference after returning to my studio.
Step 3
Back in my studio I did this quick little “thumbnail” value study to make sure my design would work, and to define my lights and darks.
Step 4
After stretching and mounting my 140 lb. Arches watercolor paper on board, I did a careful outline drawing with a 4H pencil. This will serve as my guide as I […]
Step 5
First I lay in the sky wash using a wet-in-wet technique. While still wet I drop in some of the warmer light values on the trees, as well as the […]
Step 6
Now I decide to move to the foreground rocks and use a combination of warms and cools letting them blend naturally to create the rounded forms of the rocks.I begin […]
Step 7
The finished painting has much more contrast of darks and lights. You can see how important it was to preserve the lights from the beginning.