Step 1
One of my favorite places on the earth is Lake Powell. I could spend my life there. It is so unique because of the clear blue water lapping against the […]
Step 2
As always, I begin by planning my painting. This is done by doing a small, rough pencil drawing which I call a “thumbnail sketch” about 3 x 5. My goal here […]
Step 3
I begin with the sky and the rocks, saving the water for last. In order to determine where the reflections would go I had to pretty much complete the rocks […]
Step 4
I wet the entire surface of the paper where the water will go and start by laying in strokes of ultramarine blue to show the soft undulations where the sky […]
Step 5
Notice that the surface reflections follow the rules of linear perspective. The intervals get narrower as the ripples receed into the distance and the reflection shapes get smaller. Now the […]
Step 6
In the finished painting you can see how the deep dark sky makes the orange cliffs glow with color. This is an example of “simultaneous contrast,” where two opposite colors […]