Step 1
This painting of Lake Powell Morning features the type of reflections only found on very still water. In this case the scene is near Moki Canyon on the upper lake. […]
Step 2
I am painting on Arches 140 lb. watercolor paper. After doing a thumbnail sketch I start with the sky and do my initial glazes on the distant cliffs. I have […]
Step 3
With the paper wet, I first use a 1-inch Aquarelle flat brush to wash in the warms from the sky and cliffs. I then use a #12 or #14 Sable […]
Step 4
After letting these washes dry completely, I am ready to begin delineating the wavy hard-edged reflections.
Step 5
I begin with the reflections closest to the rocks. Reflections are generally darker in the water and of course, the reflected image always has wavy edges if there is the […]
Step 6
Note in the distance I left a streak of blue across the water. This is where a wake or wind has broken the surface reflection. I continue to work on […]
Step 7
The finished painting with amazing reflections.