I was pleased to be one of the ten invited artists to be featured as part of the Zion National Park Centennial of Art. The event was held at the Park and featured five days of demonstrations, talks, outdoor painting, and a special live paint-out event. The celebration concluded with an art sale and exhibit featuring both plein air paintings as well as studio paintings. 17 collectors went home with Roland Lee paintings which was a thrill for me. Robert and Mary Wilkinson are shown in the photo with my demonstration painting.

People line up for the book signing of my new book “Discovering Zion

Roland Lee at the Zion Lodge paint-out at the Zion Centennial Art event

Roland Lee painting at the Zion Centennial paint-out

Roland Lee does a plein air painting demonstration at the Zion Centennial art event 2019
I have been a fan of yours for years. I see you have a place in Highland ,Utah ? I used to live very close at 10344 Oak Creek Lane in Highland. Some how Iam now in Florida. I would love to come out west to a class or Demonstration? Any in 2020 ? I have been teaching watercolors nowfor years, but you can never learn enough ! I love your style! You are a very talented artist. Iam getting old at 75 yrs but I refuse to quit. Please send any info to my email. [email protected]……..my name is Kit, so this email suits me well. ..teehee. Thanks