In New Paintings, Painting Techniques, Sketchbook Drawings, Uncategorized
Roland will share tips and techniques for painting the cottages, castles, and gardens of the British Isles.
Adare Manor in Ireland 8 x 12 watercolor

Flaming Gorge Resort near Vernal, Utah will be the site of an exciting watercolor painting workshop with Roland Lee on October 24-25. Sponsored by the Uintah Mountain Artists association, the workshop will feature two days of learning techniques and tips for painting the charming gardens, cottages, and castles of the British Isles. Roland spent time in England, Ireland, and Scotland during the summer, and will share his research photos and sketches with us. The cost is $175 for the workshop. Lodging is available. Contact Lori Burchinal at 435-828-3668 or email [email protected] to register.

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