New Art Book
A Legacy in Landscapes

NEW BOOK RELEASE – Roland Lee, Legacy in Landscapes
160-page coffee-table quality hardback book lavishly illustrated with Roland’s landscape paintings. “I could sit and look at this book for hours,” said one early reviewer. A stunning pictorial of  both spectacular and intimate landscapes across the great Colorado Plateau, connected by historic places along its backroads.
Available April 2025. Signed by the author.

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Midway Legacy Art Lesson
Midway Legacy DVD
The character of old barns always draws my attention as we travel America’s backroads. This is a favorite barn in the charming town of Midway in northern Utah. Watch as I use negative painting to create the small cornfield in the foreground. Follow along or paint along with me as I work up this painting from start to finish explaining my methods as I go.
Run time 1 hour.

Get all 3 DVDs $59.95 

Set #9 - $59.95

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SET #9 – Midway Legacy, As I See It, Country Calm

As I See It – Zion Peak DVD
This is a painting demonstration I did for the California Watercolor Society. Watch the entire process from beginning to end as I show both my palette and painting, explaining each step as I go.
Run time 1 hour

Country Calm DVD
I changed quite a bit when I created this watercolor painting. I decided to do a front-on view of the structure along with much of the background and foreground that I saw. To add interest,  a couple of sheep were added to the scene. Some of the things to watch for as the painting progresses is my use of glazing to build up both texture and value relationships. Run time 1 hour.

Get all 3 DVDs $59.95 

The Great White Throne DVD
The Great White Throne is one of Zion National Park’s most famous Cliffs. It stands high above Big Bend and Angels Landing. Follow along or paint along with me as I work up this painting from start to finish explaining my methods as I go.
Run time 1 hour.


Get all 3 DVDs $59.95 

Set #8 - $59.95

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SET #8 – The Great White Throne, Rocky River Reflections, Winter’s First Touch

Winter’s First Touch DVD
We have a number of old and weathered barns in southern Utah where I live. But they are fading fast into history. This is a barn that I took a lot of plein air classes to paint, but it is no longer there now. I enjoyed seeing a fresh snow cover the rickety old boards. Watch the entire process from beginning to end as I show both my palette and painting, explaining each step as I go.  I also use two cameras as well as include on-screen text to explain important points.
Run time 1 hour

Rocky River Reflections  DVD
Zion Canyon was formed by the power of the Virgin River. Today hikers can walk up the river and enjoy the quiet reflections of fall colors.  In this video I show watch how I paint water reflections and use negative painting. Run time 1 hour.

Get all 3 DVDs $59.95 

The Spearhead DVD
The Spearhead is a prominent peak, and part of Mt. Majestic in Zion National Park. This small painting was tipped-in on a special edition of my book, Mukuntuweap, The Landscape and Story of Zion National Park. Follow along as I work up this painting, from start to finish explaining my methods as I go. Run time 1 hour.

Get all 3 DVDs $59.95 

Set #7 - $59.95

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SET #7 – Zion National Park: The Spearhead, Mount Spry & Silent Narrows

Mount Spry DVD
Mount Spry is one of the smaller peaks in Zion National Park, but is a very prominent landmark. Visitors can see it as they enter the Park. The image is a morning view with sunlight creeping over the edge of the cliffs and pushing night-time’s shadows away. Watch the entire process from beginning to end as I show both my palette and painting, explaining each step as I go.  I also use two cameras as well as include on-screen text to explain important points.
Run time 1 hour

Silent Narrows  DVD
The Zion Narrows is one the most popular hikes for visitors. In this video I show how to paint aerial perspective and moving water. Run time 1 hour.

Get all 3 DVDs $59.95 

A Table for Two DVD
You can’t drive on too many Utah country roads without seeing cattle and horses grazing liesurely in a field. In this painting you’ll see how I take a random photo of two horses enjoying a peaceful meal together, and change the setting and season to fit my imagination. Watch me use glazing and negative painting to build up the values and create the final scene.
Run time 1 hour.

Get all 3 DVDs $59.95 

Set #6 - $59.95

3 Videos SET #6 – “America’s Backroads” A Table for Two, Sodas and Penny Candy, Rockville Hay Barn

Sodas and Penny Candy DVD
In the Utah town of St. George where I live, there are many remnants of its pioneer past that still add color to our community. One of those is the famous Thomas Judd’s store. Stepping into this small shop is like stepping back in time to the era of penny candy and soda fountains. Watch as I develop the familiar storefront with flowers and a coke cooler in front. Run time 1 hour

Rockville Hay Barn DVD
This old hay barn is almost a landmark in the little town of Rockville, Utah, just outside of Zion National Park. Pioneers settled this tiny town in the 1800’s and this old timber and tin hay barn looks as if it may have come from that era. Weathered wood and wild weeds are perfect subjects for watercolor techniques such as negative painting and scumbling.
Run time 1 hour.

Get all 3 DVDs $59.95 

Kinesava Cliffs DVD
In this new instructional DVD Roland paints a scene of Mt. Kinesava, just outside Zion National Park. Once again, Roland uses two cameras and on-screen titles to help teach his favorite watercolor techniques. Roland Previously released a short Youtube video on painting the sky, and now you can see him work through the rest of the painting from sketchbook to finished piece. This is a great video on using the negative painting technique for shrubs. Run time 1 hour 13

Get all 3 DVDs $59.95 

Set #5 - $59.95

3 Videos SET #6 – Kinesava Cliffs, Three Gossips, Rain on Kolob

Three Gossips Arches DVD
Roland starts out with an energetic bold sky in this painting using only three colors and the wet into wet technique, allowing pigments to mingle on the paper. On-screen titles and a view of his palette provides the viewer with information on colors and special watercolor techniques. Run time 1 hour 11 min.

Rain on Kolob DVD
If you’d like to get a closer look at painting stormy skies in watercolor, this is the video for you. Roland uses the technique of wet-into-wet to create some turbulent clouds over the kolob cliffs of Zion National Park. Including his palette in the picture frames allows the view to see his color choices and his method of allowing the red, yellow, and blue to mingle together on the paper to create a variety of colors and values. Run time 1 hour.

Get all 3 DVDs $59.95 

Zion Narrows Glow DVD
Step by step demonstration of painting water and cliffs in the famous Zion Narrows. The Narrows trail is one of Zion’s most exciting hikes, as you walk in running water to a point where the two cliffs are just 16 feet apart. Watch as Roland shows how to take a reference photo and change the design to make a more dramatic painting. Run time: 1 hour.

Get all 3 DVDs $59.95 

Set #4 - all 3 DVDs $59.95

3  Videos. SET #4– You will get “Zion Narrows Glow”, “Silent River,” and “Zion Pinnacle.” $59.95 includes free shipping.

Silent River DVD
Step by step from start to finish. Roland demonstrates and explains his watercolor techniques in this landscape painting of the Virgin River that flows through Zion National Park.  Run time 50 min.

Zion Pinnacle DVD
Follow along as Roland Lee paints an exciting landscape in Zion National Park. He demonstrates using wet into wet and dry brush techniques along with negative painting. Watch over his shoulder as he uses his experience on location and artistic license to develop a reference photo into a value study, and finally to a completed painting. Roland uses two cameras to record both his verbal explanation and careful painting techniques as he develops this painting of a prominent Zion cliff called Johnson Mountain.Run time: 1 hour 6 min

Get all 3 DVDs $59.95 

Coal Creek Instructional DVD
Follow along as artist Roland Lee paints a landscape of tumbling river, pines and aspens on Cedar Mountain in the fall. Yellow Aspens and deep greens of Pines and Spruces is the perfect background for a tumbling stream. Negative Painting technique is demonstrated in this DVD. Using narration, on-screen text, and multiple camera views, Roland develops his painting from beginning sketches to the finished matted painting. Run time: 1 hour 6 minutes.

Set #3 - all 3 DVDs $59.95

3 Videos. SET#3– You will get “Overlook at Cedar Breaks”, “Coal Creek,” and “Warner Valley Loading Chute.” $59.95 includes free shipping.

Cedar Breaks Overlook DVD
Roland Lee paints the amazing pink cliffs and gnarly pines of Cedar Breaks National Monument.  Run time 1 hr 10 min.

Warner Valley Loading Chute DVD
The subject matter is an old west cattle loading chute in the southwest desert. A carefully painted sky using wet-into-wet sets the background for a weathered and crumbling old cattle loading chute painted in dry brush. Roland shows and explains such important techniques as negative painting, scumbling, and pigment mingling. Two cameras, live narration, on-screen text, and palette views allow the viewers to feel like they are sitting on Roland’s shoulder as he paints. Run time: 1 hour 7 min

Get all 3 DVDs $59.95 

Sand Hollow Sunset Instructional DVD
Join Roland as he paints a striking desert sunset. Follow along as he demonstrates how to develop a good composition from weak reference photos, and watch as he explains each step of the watercolor painting process from beginning sketches to the finished painting. Multiple cameras, on-screen text, and a running dialog help you understand how to use wet-into-wet, multiple glazes, and negative painting techniques. A great video for exploring the transparent watercolor method for painting  skies. Run time 1 hour.

GET ALL 3 DVDs $59.95 

Set# 2 - All 3 DVD's for Just $59.95

SET #2 – You will get “Sand Hollow Sunset”, “Cloudy Morning”, and “Zion Misty Morning,” $59.95 includes free shipping.

Cloudy Morning – Great White Throne DVD
Roland Lee  uses both a reference photo shot on location, and his imagination to come up with a powerful composition for this studio painting of low clouds drifting in front of Zion’s Great White Throne.” Run time 1 hour.

Zion Misty Morning Instructional DVD
10 x 14 watercolor by Roland Lee
Watercolor Painting Step by Step. Artist Roland Lee paints “The Watchman” a prominent cliff in Zion National Park. Watch over his shoulder as he uses his experience on location and artistic license to develop a reference photo into a value study, and finally to a completed painting. As always, Roland uses two cameras to record both his verbal explanation and careful painting techniques as he develops this painting of a dramatic stormy sky and misty morning in Zion. Run time 1 hour 9 minutes.

GET ALL 3 DVDs $59.95 

Cliffs of Zion Instructional DVD

Cliffs of Zion Instructional DVD. Follow along as artist Roland Lee paints a landscape of Zion National Park’s soaring red cliffs. Using narration, on-screen text, and multiple camera views, Roland develops his painting from beginning sketches to the finished matted painting. Included are explanations and demonstrations of wet-into-wet, dry brush, scumbling, color-mingling and other key techniques.
Run time: 1 hour 6 minutes.

Set #1 - All 3 DVDs for just $59.95

SET#1 –  You will get “Cliffs of Zion”, “Taylor Creek Trail,” and “Kayenta Cliffs.” $59.95 includes free shipping.

Kayenta Cliffs Instructional DVD

This painting was made popular on the internet, where a 40-second time-lapse garnered over 15,000 views in a week. Learn to paint desert cliffs and shrubs. This video is especially good for novice artists learning to paint desert forms. Run time: 50 minutes

Taylor Creek Instructional DVD

Roland carefully shows and explains such important techniques as negative painting, wet-into-wet, scumbling, and pigment mingling. For the novice he also describes his paint palette, brushes, and other materials of choice. The subject matter is one of Zion National Park’s prominent peaks along Taylor Creek in Zion’s Kolob Canyons section. A hike up this trail in the Spring with snow on the ground makes perfect subject matter.
Run time: 1 hour 50 min

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