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Zion National Park Plein Air Art Invitational

Zion National Park Springdale, UT, United States

November 7 - 13, 2016. 24 of the nation's best outdoor painters will converge on Zion National Park for a week of plein air painting.  Roland Lee will present a free hour-long painting demonstration on the patio of the Human History Museum at 1:00 pm Wednesday November 9. The Zion National Park Plein Air Art […]

Canyons and Deserts Plein Air Workshop with Roland Lee

April 24-25, 2020    Cost: $250 CANYONS & DESERTS PLEIN AIR This workshop will include both indoor studio work and instruction coupled with painting outdoors in the scenic red-rock and desert country near St. George UT. For availability email or call 435-673-1988

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