In Uncategorized, Art Collectors, Art Museums, Painting Techniques, Plein Air painting
Roland Lee demonstrates how to do a watercolor painting at Zion National park

I was invited to do a watercolor painting demonstration for about 80 people during the Zion National Park Plein Air Art Invitational. I chose to paint the “Sun Dial” one of the towers of the Virgin visible from the Human History Museum. I showed how I plan a painting, then proceeded to lay down the basic washes, establishing light and middle values. The audience was both receptive and kind, as it is hard to complete a painting in just an hour. I needed to finish it later and it turned out nicely. The painting was purchased by Bob and Louisa Geiger in a silent auction held Saturday at the Zion Lodge.

Participants gather to ask questions following Roland Lee’s painting demonstration during the 2013 Zion National Park Plein Air Art Invitational

An audience of about 80 people watched as Roland Lee completed a demonstration watercolor painting in Zion National Park at the Zion Plein Air Art Invitational

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