We’re enjoying a quiet weekend tending Clear Creek Family Ranch for my son Jon while he and his family travel to a mission homecoming. The weather is amazing, the scenery is tops, and the animals are really hungry! Gathered a couple dozen eggs and introduced ourselves to the new pig Felipe (snort). Hope you are having a great Saturday too.
Felipe and I hit it off right away. He was hungry, and I had food. He’s a new addition to Clear Creek Family Ranch. |
Had to fill up the big water trough. About 100 deer get their water here during the night too. |
Domestic turkeys watching the chickens have a buffet of scraps. Literally thousands of wild turkeys roam the Clear Creek Family Ranch as well. |
Farmer Roland out standing in his field. Just before repairing a busted fence with duct tape at Clear Creek Family Ranch. Too much fun. |
Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry. We had tons of feathered friends waiting for the feed buckets this morning. It’s nice to feel needed.
I feel very honored to say I have know Roland since he was a teenager. I met his parents Thelma and Elwyn Reeder when I arrived in the USA summer of 1965. I was a covert to the church from Worcester, England. The Reeders took me under their wing alongside some other English; and one Scottish girl. Wonderful memories now living in Canton, Georgia.