In Uncategorized, Painting Techniques

Learn how to take your everyday photos and turn them into great paintings.

Oct 3-4 “Making Great Paintings from Photos” – Do you wonder what to do with those zillions of digital images from your travels? We will learn how to use them as a springboard to make wonderful paintings. Using “artistic license” we will learn the methods for making awesome paintings from not-so-awesome photos and infuse them with our own imagination. Bring your photos and ideas or use Roland’s photos. We will paint in the studio. Class fee $175

About the workshops:
Classes are held at A Passion for Painting. Time is 9am to 4pm each day with a 1-hour lunch break (on your own.) Art class fee is $175 due at reservation. 10 student limit.

To register contact: Becky Whitney
A Passion for Painting
310 E. Tabernacle, St. George, UT 84770
(435) 628-5890

For materials list go to:

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