In Painting Techniques, Sketchbook Drawings, Uncategorized

I found this little arched bridge near the old mill behind the Warwick Castle. It was a wonderful little pastoral scene with flowers, water lilies, and nice reflections in the dark water. I knew when I did my sketchbook drawing that I would have to also paint this peaceful English scene. My show of paintings and drawings from the British Isles will be on display in my gallery all month. Stop by if you get a chance.

I did this little sketchbook drawing on location at Warwick Castle, knowing I would do a painting later.

“Warwick Castle Mill Bridge” 5 x 8 watercolor $500 matted and framed 

Warwick Castle Mill Bridge painting in process in the studio. My reference material is nearby along with my two Eldajon palettes and Daniel Smith paints.

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