Drawing is fundamental to all forms of art. And yet, some artists shy away from it. This workshop helped us focus on why drawing is important, how to capture the essence of a subject quickly, and how to see values. A great group of artists joined for two days of intensive drawing which included both studio and outdoor sketching. Our subjects ranged from flowers and shrubs, to buildings and structures, and finally to figures. Thanks to all the great artists who participated: Mark Rose, John Mangels, Carol Spriggs, Gianna Dryer, Sharon Cannon, and Barbara Marchant. (photos by John Mangels)Each of used our sketchbooks and pencil to capture this old St. George grainery building with a 10 minute sketch.
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I took a workshop with you last year and learnt a great deal! I've been committed to sketch more since then and draw the different value element, designing and rearranging shapes — it's been so helpful! Just want to say again that you are such a fantastic teacher! I am trying to digest everything I have learned in the workshop and apply them in my work. Hopefully in the close future I will be able to take a workshop focused in drawing — there's so much to learn!