In Sketchbook Drawings, Uncategorized

We just returned from two weeks at Mesa Verde National Park where I finished my “Artist-in-Residency.” What a fantastic experience it was to live in a wonderful hogan on the very mesas inhabited by the Ancestral Puebloans. I was able to explore and hike amongst the ruins and cliff dwellings every day and marvelled at the great culture that existed on these plateaus. During the course of my stay I filled up a sketchbook with drawings of everything from ancient pottery and kivas, to ancient juniper trees and landscapes. I also completed 13 original watercolor paintings while there. I’m grateful to the folks at Cortez Cultural Center for helping me set up my public presentation. My thanks to Frank Cope and the Park Service people who were so cooperative and knowledgable during our stay. Check out my website to see all my paintings and sketchbook drawings.

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  • Dan Cross

    Exceptional work Roland. Looks like you are having a terrific time.


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