In Art Collectors, Sketchbook Drawings, Uncategorized

The weather was incomparable, the fall colors at their peak, and the artists were in their glory this past week in Zion National Park. It all ended too soon as far as I was concerned, but our glorious “painting vacation” in Zion went out with a bang as hundreds of collectors showed up for the Friday “High-noon Quick-Draw” competition and even more for the big preview Friday night. I was able to complete 8 paintings this week, which is some kind of a record for me, plus another in the one-hour quick draw. My Quick-Draw painting won the high bid at the auction and I sold four more paintings at the plein air sale, and also sold my piece in the Museum show. Most of the other artists did equally as well and the Zion National Park Foundation was able to generate a substantial sum for their projects.

A crowd gathered as the one-hour timer began in the “Quick Draw” event. 23 artists set up around the Human History Museum and collectors dashed from artist to artist watching paintings come alive before their eyes

I am using an Anderson easel and my favorite painting chair to get comfortable for the ordeal. Actually it went quite smoothly and I was relaxed enough to answer questions while I painted

The finished painting of “Mountain of the Sun” seen in the distance

I was impressed with the quality of the paintings produced in such a short time. Although still wet, all paintings were required to be framed and ready for the auction within 30 minutes of completion

I was fortunate to have a number of people bidding on my painting, but Debbie Mace from Sandy, Utah was the high bidder and went home with the painting

The Zion National Park Nature Center became a gorgeous art gallery for the next two days as specially-built panels were used to display the plein air paintings

A limited-ticket reception and sale took place Friday night with a standing room only crowd. Eager collectors snapped up dozens of pieces in the opening minutes of the show and more throughout the weekend. A number of ribbons were given for purchase awards.

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  • Peggy Stermer-Cox

    Hi Roland, I found your blog by searching for negative watercolor painting (?). My husband and I have spent quite a bit of time at Zion, Bryce, Red Canyon, Cedar Breaks, Capitol Reef and the Grand Staircase Escalante (especially Calf Creek). So, I was immediately interested in your painting. I enjoyed looking at your paintings of some of our favorite landscape.

  • frankeber

    Would have loved to be part of this outing! Great work, Roland. Happy Holidays to you and your wife!

  • Mary Manning

    As usual, your paintings of Zion took my breath away. Having visited Zion in all seasons this year, I appreciate its peace and sacredness for artists and everyone who visits.

  • devotedmomof7

    I am amazed that at your work and, especially, the accuracy you achieve plein air. The photo of you holding your painting in front of the actual scene testifies to the beauty of your art.

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