In Uncategorized, Art Galleries, New Paintings

The downtown St. George art venues got together over the weekend and held a very successful Gallery walk. With hundreds of people turning out I’m sure it will become a regular event. Guests started at the St. George Art Museum and the “Visions of Zion” show where they received a punch card. After visiting all the galleries they turned in their cards to participate in a drawing for a free Roland Lee original painting. Gallery artists were demonstrating at each location and live music made it even more enjoyable.

Roland Lee painting of Lake Powell Reflections I worked on my newest painting of Lake Powell at the Mission Gallery during the Art Walk. Literally hundreds of guests stopped by to ask questions while I was working. This painting will be on display at my art show in November.

Artists Roland Lee and Craig Fetzer during the St. George Art WalkArtists Roland Lee and Craig Fetzer at the October St. George Art Walk

Artist Dilleen Marsh paints on location during the Art Walk in downtown St. George
Artist Dilleen Marsh works on a landscape painting at Impressions Fine Art Gallery during the St. George Art Walk

Click here to download a PDF map of the gallery walk locations

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