In Uncategorized, Sketchbook Drawings

Oil painter David Koch conducted a plein air painting workshop this past week in the East Zion, Mt. Carmel area. My good friend Julie Rogers and I were invited to join the group of terrific artists for a paint out on Saturday morning in the hills above Orderville. We enjoyed the comraderie of old friends and met new ones as we watched the sun light up the colorful cliffs above us.

Artist David KochDavid Koch at work on a small study, painting quickly to beat the changing light of morning. David exhibits in the Mission Gallery in St. George along with Julie Rogers and I.

Artist Julie RogersJulie Rogers is adept in many mediums. Although best-known for her pastels, she is a great oil painter as well. She and I have painted together for many years.

plein air painting near OrdervilleI was really impressed with some of the small paintings done in such a short time. Afterwards we all went down to the Maynard Dixon Country show and saw the “Wet Paint” exhibit and sale.

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